Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Tax time!

What does that have to do with knitting?

Being an accountant I know no later that 12/31 exactly how much taxable income I have for the past year and how much I’m getting back. I have the pseudo luxury of being overworked and underpaid with two kids at home and a mortgage. As a divorced woman who doesn’t have to put up with many of the b/s compromises that other gals do, I get to claim both kids and the earned income credit. (That changes next year).

I bet I have spent my return about a hundred times. My kids are used to the phrase “when I get my taxes back.”

I know I will have to put an extra payment on the house and I know that if I am behind on anything I will pay that and there is the bail bondsman who had to send bounty hunters after my ex. I owe him $600.00 although that is a good bit better than the 3500 it would have been if the ex had gotten clean away. (We were married when I posted the bail.)

No; in all honesty the very first thing I will do after the text message from my Visa card tells me that the funds are loaded will be to go on line and renew all my knitting magazines.

There is the new one: Knit Today. Vogue Knitting, Interweave, Knit Simple, Knit –n- Style, Piecework (that’s the new one to me that Kat loves). Am I forgetting any?
I had it in my head that there were six now. I don’t subscribe to the international ones. Yes, six. If you know of any I have missed PLEASE let me know!

I will experience a brighter mood when I pull one from the mailbox. I will forgive the worst tantrum thrown by a co-worker with a new Vogue Knits in my arms. I will anticipate getting home, running my hot bubble bath and locking the door so that I may enjoy my prize in peace. They are the new cigar for me. They keep me sane when the world is out to make me crazy. They inform me of all the little trends and products. I love those gadget pages. Are you kidding? I would never spend good money on that crazy stuff, but they are fun to look at. They take me on tours of shops from all over the world. These humble little bits of paper provide a multileveled delight for the sciences. They offer the promise of projects to come and treasure to delve through later when the yearning to “gift” strikes.

Yes, when it comes to financial matters.

One MUST keep matters in proper perspective

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